aasara dekhana example and sentences

हिंदी मे अर्थ Meaning in english उदाहरण
Transliterated examples :
1. It remains in effect a court and must keep up appearances, we expect seizes, bow to a mode of legal reasoning, reasons for its decisions in terms he knows they will be scrutinized and discussed 2. It remains in effect a court and must keep up appearances, we expect seizes, bow to a mode of legal reasoning, reasons for its decisions in terms he knows they will be scrutinized and discussed 3. It remains in effect a court and must keep up appearances, we expect seizes, bow to a mode of legal reasoning, reasons for its decisions in terms he knows they will be scrutinized and discussed 4. Let us only note that, as and as the game develops, the "value of a sudden," that is to say the number of points you would expect from a sudden decrease regularly 5. Most Russian-speaking residents said they wanted to continue living in Estonia and do not recognize themselves in the Russian state, if not expect him nothing

Given are the examples of hindi word aasara dekhana usage in english sentences. The examples of aasara dekhana are provided according to its meaning(s) in english language i.e., expect, await.

What would a traveller visiting a medieval town expect to find? This would depend on what kind of a town it was a temple town, an administrative centre, a commercial town or a port town to name just some possibilities.

For example, an employee may expect attractive salary and monetary benefits to fulfill his personal needs.
The organisation may expect employees to improve productivity to achieve expected profits.
We should also expect electron gain enthalpy to become less negative as we go down a group because the size of the atom increases and the added electron would be farther from the nucleus.
This might lead us to expect that Indians in general should have more crowding tolerance than people from other, less populated countries.
Finally, we have had some discussion about some outcomes that one can expect from a democracy.
It cannot follow only one objective and expect to achieve excellence.
In al-Idrisi's map, south India is where we would expect to find north India and Sri Lanka is the island at the top.
For this we expect others to behave in such a way that does not harm us or hurt us.
The Indian resident buying a Japanese car pays for it in rupees but the Japanese exporter will expect to be paid in yen.
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